Slower Transport
The tires seemed rotten:
My front shifter was broken:
My seat had definitely seen better days:
Youthful ill-treatment:
In simple words, I had to be rather nuts to even try it out. But, why not? I always say its about using what you have and using it well instead of immediately buying a trophy that is used once and then collects dust.
Hopping on turned out to be a great decision. The thick mountain tire tread protected my tube from puncturing and the one gear decreased my chances of getting hurt as well as re-seeing the world around me at the slow pace I needed. While I do want to eventually get a bicycle with greater speed, efficiency, reliability, and comfort, it easily has become my preferred mode of travel along with simple walking.
I love the fresh air:
The little creatures that I NEVER would have seen driving:
And stopping at my pleasing to bask in the light:
Even though I wasn’t sure if I could ride out of the drive I was able to ride a humbling 625 miles on it last year. For me, my thoughts become clearer when riding, a great sense of exploration and curiosity develops, and a higher degree of connection occurs at this pace (instead of just numbly driving down the interstate at 65 mph.) All of my local works from the spring and summer were captured after riding a bike to that location. A good number of them never would have been created if I hadn’t pedaled there. So slow it down a tad, get out there, be open to be surprised, and enjoy!
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