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Previous Post - "301 Taylor"

Originally posted February 16, 2010:

One year ago I was living in Chicago and walking the streets and came across this creation. This piece contains a very well known landmark for both Chicago and human possibility, the Sears Tower (now known as the Willis Tower but will always be known as the Sears to me). The crisp blue sky has been left in color as it is a natural element that is capable of dwarfing even the tallest of buildings but is perhaps a part of what the towers reach for. What leads to the skyscrapers in the background is the famous Chicago River, here left in natural color with ice chunks floating on the directionally changed flow of water. To the left of the river is the creation’s title inspiration, the building of 301 Taylor, that of a power house that can represent both the energy and vision to build the city from the grips of nature and that which is required to maintain and build for the future. “301 Taylor” can be viewed in The American City Portfolio.


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